off topic

Norton Roman nortontr at
Thu May 4 05:20:58 UTC 2006

> Later, as Ubuntu improves, I may even convince my wife to make the
> switch.  Not if, however, the howling gibbons who rise up at the slightest
> hint of criticism continue to have their way.

well, well, if you're gonna wait for the "howling gibbons" to calm down, so
that you can go on with anything in your life... well, then you better sit
and wait till death takes you... for that's simply not gonna happen...

hypocrisy, cynicism... all human facets... the only way of getting rid of
them is to get rid of humanity itself... and the next  species to take over
will suffer from the same problem.

I do agree criticism is important (if and only if properly put forth, for
ther're lots of it in a quarrel), but please people... what's gonna come
next? Spitting at each other? And then what?

Let's take it easy a bit ok? And just for the record... Say YES, say NO, you
are just the same, with opposite polarites, but just the same...

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