one thing i find anoying is

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Thu May 4 05:00:22 UTC 2006

On Wed, 03 May 2006 20:26:08 -0700
"Michael M." <nixlists at> wrote:

> So I say lets take a stand and start promoting linux, and start
> > giving the compition a run for there money.
> >
> >   
> It will never happen. Linux is dangerous and subversive and needs to be 
> stopped. Tristan at tells it like is!:

Yes, i read that URL a few days ago. One of the most successful and funny
trolls I've seen for quite a while.

For the humour impaired: it's a joke, as following a few links will
rapidly show you, if it wasn't obvious to you on first reading.

Nice try though, Michael ;-)



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