off topic
Michael T. Richter
ttmrichter at
Thu May 4 01:54:29 UTC 2006
On Wed, 2006-03-05 at 20:30 -0500, Lorin B Pino wrote:
> > Here's a free clue-by-four: pointing out the flaws in Linux *helps it
> > improve*! Provided people don't circle the wagons and start taking
> > potshots at the messenger, of course. Linux is a) not perfect and b)
> > not even the best -- at this point. It has potential to be the best,
> > but only if the people who use it point out where it lacks and the
> > people who develop it take that to heart and improve it.
> As much as people may not like to hear the downsides of things, someone
> needs to say them. If people go around with "rose colored glasses",
> then only the most glaring issues get addressed. Gee, that sounds like
> some other OS I've used in the past.
Yes. What people like Derek are forgetting is that, although I am
"bashing" Linux/Ubuntu, I am using it exclusively! I don't even have a
small Windows partition set aside for the things I can't do under
Ubuntu. (Like use Bluetooth. Or two audio cards. Or....) I'm not a
Windows user here bashing Linux out of ignorance (unlike, say, the Linux
users here bashing Windows out of ignorance). I'm a Linux user here
criticising the failings of Linux in the hopes that it will someday
And why did I make the big switch? One word: Vista. And a short
phrase: "Trusted" Computing Initiative. Up until now I've been tolerant
of Windows because it was, for my purposes, better than Linux. (It
still is, frankly.) I am not, however, going to support a company that
is dead-set on removing all of the rights copyright gives me. So I now
have no choice but to switch. And the only plausible place to jump to
is Linux and the only truly usable Linux distro right now (and only
barely such!) is Ubuntu.
Michael T. Richter
Email: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at
MSN: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at; YIM:
michael_richter_1966; AIM: YanJiahua1966; ICQ: 241960658; Jabber:
mtr1966 at
"I would not flinch from sacrificing a million lives for India's
liberty!" --Mahatma Gandhi
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