off topic

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at
Thu May 4 01:02:04 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-03-05 at 09:25 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:

> > So....  Let me get this straight.  It's exactly what you'd do if buying
> > a Windows computer except for the parts that are different.

> > That makes everything clear.  Thank you.

> Just continue to be rude, it's no harm to me.

Rude would be "do you not understand what a truism is, moron?"  I just
pointed out that you're using a very strange definition of "same" when
you, in your very message explaining why it's just the same, highlight
the key difference and then handwave it away.

> The _only_ difference is that Windows users generally don't even bother to
> ensure that their hardware is properly supported.  

Because your average Windows user doesn't generally have to worry about
if it works or not.  The last time I saw a piece of Mac-only hardware
that wasn't in an Apple store was so long ago I can't even remember
where it was.  (Likely in Ottawa, though.)

> This has been known to
> cause the same problems Linux users have.  

In the one time per million case where it occurs, yes.

> Smart [Windows/Linux] users
> check that the hardware they want to purchase is supported first.  Dumb
> [Linux/Windows] users don't.  No difference.

Except for the fact that your average Windows user almost never has to
worry about it.  They go to <insert computer chain here>, find a piece
of cool hardware, buy it, connect it, put in the CD-ROM that came with
it and it works.  That's the use case for well over 99% of hardware out
there.  For even the best-covered Linux distros it's more like 50%.

> Why on Earth do you come to these newsgroups if you are only interested in
> Linux bashing?  You're not an ordinary sort of troll, or I'd just be
> ignoring you.

Because I'm a Linux user, perhaps?  And, more specifically, an Ubuntu
user?  Has it escaped your attention that I have, at least on ten
separate occasions, mentioned that I use Breezy exclusively?  

I can already see the Massada complex building around this community.
"Four legs good, two legs bad" becomes "Lintel good, Wintel bad."

Here's a free clue-by-four: pointing out the flaws in Linux helps it
improve!  Provided people don't circle the wagons and start taking
potshots at the messenger, of course.  Linux is a) not perfect and b)
not even the best -- at this point.  It has potential to be the best,
but only if the people who use it point out where it lacks and the
people who develop it take that to heart and improve it.

Michael T. Richter
Email: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at
MSN: ttmrichter at, mtr1966 at; YIM:
michael_richter_1966; AIM: YanJiahua1966; ICQ: 241960658; Jabber:
mtr1966 at

"I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot [...]. I
think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor
people." --Mother Theresa
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