latex margin issues --- still

Michael V. De Palatis mdepalatis at
Wed May 3 14:10:42 UTC 2006


A while back, I wrote about issues I've been having with LaTeX
margins. Essentially, they end up being noticeably smaller on the
right hand side (and noticeably larger on the left hand side) than
they are supposed to be.

This is becoming a huge annoyance as this has been occurring for
months. (Is there some reason this bug still hasn't been fixed?) Even
with the upgrade to Dapper, I still get the same issues.

I have tried various attempts at fixing the problem, from using
fullpage, to using geometry or anysize... Nothing seems to fix the

Does anyone know of another solution that actually works?

If all else fails, I'm just going to have to get out a ruler and
manually play around with this until it works for Friday when I have
to turn in my thesis.



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