UbuntuLiveChatSupport Testers Needed.

towsonu2003 ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed May 3 04:28:54 UTC 2006

Joel Bryan T. Juliano Wrote: 
> On Wed, 2006-05-03 at 03:25 +0100, towsonu2003 wrote:

> > edit: patch works for the icon, but doesn't change crash status. I

> > forgot to tell this in previous message.

> > 

> > 

> > -- 

> > towsonu2003

> > 

> try installing the latest gtk+2.0, cairo, pango, glib, gettext, those

> are the standard gnome libraries.


I really hope you can get more testers: it's a brilliant idea!

Anyway, I had all those (at least those with similar names) up-to-date,
but had to update libgtk2.0. Still doesn't work, exits with same error

are you sure it is not missing a dependency you have installed but
doesn't come preinstalled with Dapper? You might wanna try the LiveCD
(from an emulator maybe) to see if that might be the case. I'm using
this Dapper LiveCD almost untouched. 

PS. Command I'm using to launch the application is ubuntu-live-support


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