Java on ubuntu

Alfred Vahau Alf.Vahau at
Tue May 2 07:25:26 UTC 2006

I think in principle what I have done so far should work under any 
Unix/Linux environment but in practice it is inadequate and that may 
well be that I do not really understand Ubuntu's file system in Breezy. 
By the way, in a previous correspondence on this topic [Wed. 26/04/2006 
11:27:50 + 1000] I described the problem that I was having with fakeroot 
and make-jpkg in Breezy. Even after following the Ubuntu wiki on 
RestrictedFormats#Head which described the very problem that I was 
having in the java installation and how to go about fixing it, use of 
fakeroot and make-jpkg were unsuccessful. I had previous success 
installing java on Ubuntu Warty with the help from this list, using 
fakeroot and make-jpkg. So yes, if fakeroot was executing successfully, 
all would be well.

 From other replies, I will now check my symbolic links to the firefox 

Alfred Vahau

Anders Karlsson wrote:

>On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 14:42 +1000, Alfred Vahau wrote:
>>I wanted to build my own class files so I downloaded the jdk and jre
>>from the sun site and installed them under /usr/local.
>>I included the correct path in /etc/profile and set up the correct
>>environment for Java. No problems.
>>But I cannot execute any of the applets under the demo directory in
>>Firefox. It is looking for a plug-in.
>>I think installation by non-Ubuntu way, i.e not using the apt-get
>>install is causing this problem.
>>How do I get my Breezy system to deal with my manually installed Java
>When you install java using a .deb, it sets a number of links
>in /etc/alternatives, one of which is the plugin for Firefox.
>Best way to install Sun's Java is - download the .bin files from Sun's
>website. Then install fakeroot and make-jpkg and run make-jpkg on
>the .bin files in turn.
>That gives you .deb's to install which will "do the right thing".
>Or, you can keep setting the symlink to the plugin
>in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ or /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/.
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