Installation to dedicated disk

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Mon May 1 01:20:41 UTC 2006

On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 21:43:58 +0200
Alan McKinnon <alan at> wrote:

> No, that is not advisable. How will you get the XP boot loader to boot 
> another OS? I've looked fairly hard for it (but not exhaustively 
> [Michael, no comments please]) and have not found a chainload 
> function in the Windows loader

A google on " dual boot windows linux ntloader howto " turned up

amongst others...

Why anyone would bother with this kind of convoluted approach, I really
don't know, since grub on the MBR works just fine, but whatever...

> Why not do what all of us have been doing for 10 years?
> Install grub/lilo to /dev/hda
> Install Windows to /dev/hda1
> Install Linux to <wherever>
> Confidure grub/lilo - all OSes boot properly

Exactly. In fact the installer detects the windows partition and adds the
relevant stanza to the end of /boot/grub/menu.lst anyway. It really is
puzzling why so many people seem to think that this "wrecks" the windows



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