How to cut a MP3 in half?

Michael R Head burner at
Thu Mar 30 18:14:47 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 19:52 +0200, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 11:06 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:
> > I have to upload an mp3 but its to large (and I didnt create it).
> > Is there a way to cut it in half and then upload it?
> Maybe you could just "compress" it to ZIP or tar.gz or whatever format,
> since most archivers can split an archives into several small files,
> typically to fit it onto multiple floppy disks.

In can you missed my last post, mp3splt is made precisely for splitting

the split/cat programs work great for any binary data:

split -b=1m bigfile splitfiles

To restore:

cat splitfiles* > bigfile_restored

> --
> Vince
Michael R Head <burner at>
burner | suppressingfire | firestorm | phoenix | firefighter

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