Opera & Midnight Commander

Michael M. nixlists at writemoore.net
Thu Mar 30 11:15:59 UTC 2006

Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Mar 2006 07:15:03 +0530
> "Sridhar M.A." <mas at mylug.org> wrote:
>>For new users, I would suggest emelfm rather than mc. I am not sure
>>whether it is packaged for ubuntu.
> V. 0.9.2-7 is in Dapper.  I'll take a look...
> Hmmm, where's the editor that mc has under the F4?
> Where is the console display so necessary if you're somehow locked out
> of X?
> (You Emacs and VI folks keep down, now.)
> OK. it's somewhat like the old Winduhs file manager but are new users
> going to know about where to find help for it?
> ("help" on the included command line or "man emelfm" in a terminal)
> It's nice but the console display ability makes mc far superior, IMO.

Emelfm is my favorite GUI file manager because of its simple and 
straightforward 2-pane display, handy menu items, and because it's not 
dependent on any particular desktop environment.  You can always use it, 
as long as you're in X.  MC is certainly more versatile, in that it 
doesn't depend on X, but the problem with mc is lack of UTF-8 support. 
Try browsing to directories that contain UTF-8 encoded accented 
characters -- the display gets horribly messed up, and the artifacts 
remain even if you browse away from those directories.  You end up 
having to quit mc and restart it to get a usable display back, and there 
are certain directories you have to learn to avoid.

This is a problem considering that Ubuntu, like Debian, is moving to 
default UTF-8 locale settings.  I don't know the reasons for not 
including mc in the default Ubuntu install, but I could understand some 
reluctance to include something that doesn't support the default 

MC really needs to be brought into the 21st century before it gets 
included in an Ubuntu install.

Michael M. -- Portland, OR -- USA
"No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions 
of absolute reality; even larks and katydids are supposed, by some, to 
dream." -S. Jackson

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