dapper doesn't seem to run xscreensaver

Darryl Clarke smartssa at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 01:57:36 UTC 2006

On 29/03/06, Laura Conrad <lconrad at laymusic.org> wrote:
> I upgraded my breezy install to dapper, and now it doesn't seem to
> ever be running xscreensaver.  I've watched when it should be
> starting, and it seems to start and then immediately go back to the
> regular screen.
> This is xscreensaver 2.23-4ubuntu7.

xscreensaver is being pushed out from the default install for
gnome-screensaver unfortunately. (there are a few issues arise about
this.. namely configuring screensavers, and the lack of options that
gnome-screensaver provides!)

So, your session could verywell be dismissing xscreensaver in favour
of gnome-screensaver which you may not have set yet to actually kick
in when idle?

Perhaps, anyways. :)

~ Darryl  ~ smartssa at gmail.com
~ http://darrylclarke.com

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