DownLoad with resume.

alex radsky at
Wed Mar 29 22:26:07 UTC 2006

Herman Aa wrote:

> I have been on Ubuntu 5.10 for 6 months. (Way to go!!)
> Reading Ubuntu-users list for about 3 months.
> I have a dial-up connection. I can download 10-12MB per hour if all is 
> well.
> My tel.line limits the download speed.
> I need a good download-manager that can 'resume' (can resume a 
> partially downloaded file).
> The default-download in Ubuntu has no resume.
> I checked Synaptic. Resume capability is not mentioned, not even with 
> 'bittorrent'.
> Does anyone know if there is a DL-manager with resume available for 
> Ubuntu?
> Herman in PHL. (using Linux-Ubuntu. No more Windows).
A little story.

I wanted to download K3b with synaptic but discovered it would be a long 
download because I use a dialup modem.

So, I cut off the download.

Since that attempt, I made several other shorter downloads unrelated to K3b.

Then, one day, lo and hehold, there was K3b, installed and working.

alex aka elmo

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