
Cybe R. Wizard cyber_wizard at
Tue Mar 28 21:31:47 UTC 2006

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006 20:11:02 +0100
'Forum Post <ulist at>, ' wrote:

> Andrew Zajac Wrote: 
> > I think people are wondering how you manage to post something like
> > that to
> > the mailing list from the forums and not get banned from them.
> > 
> > It's things like this that make people compain about the mailing
> > list
> > integration with the forums.
> They are too busy wondering how after repeatedly being caught trolling
> and spreading flamebaits for over a year and also serving a dozen
> temporary bans, you are still clinging on to the forums. Now go
> figure.
I wonder, too, Andrew.

I've been following this discussion with open ears for I have no bone to
pick with any of the participants.  I've watch arnieboy jump bad
at people for daring to denigrate his script when all they have done
is raise legitimate concerns.  Well, I won't be using the script nor
anything else arnieboy cares to code just because he is so rude and
non-responsive.  I hope that is OK with him because I'm sure there are
dozens of hundreds of people lurking who do not offer their voice here,
but do vote with their choices.

Good luck, arnieboy.  I think you and your script will need it.

Cybe R. Wizard
Registered Linux user # 126326

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