Opera & Midnight Commander

Harijs Buss harijs at info-shelter.net
Tue Mar 28 20:21:57 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 28 March 2006 22:09, albi rakstija:

> mc is also (one of) my favorite filemanagers since years, it is
> available ("apt-cache show mc" says it's in universe)

I was also unpleasantly surprised not to find mc in Ubuntu/Kubuntu 
distributions. What was the reason to exclude this small but very useful 
program (size only about 0.6 Mb) from Ubuntu distro? Being direct analog to 
very popular FAR program in Windows world, mc makes life much easier for 
Windows converts. It is essential for mc to be already in distribution 
because it is often needed before any GUI and networking has been 

Some other distros, e.g. Mandriva has mc right in the installation disks. 


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