
Alan McKinnon alan at
Tue Mar 28 20:08:19 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 28 March 2006 20:12, 'Forum Post, ' 

> Reinhard and Oliver asked genuine questions and I have responded to
> them in a suitable fashion. You on the other hand 

> <snipped> 

Children! The time to shut up, brush teeth and go to bed for 
sleepy-time was 3 posts back.

And take these personal attacks off-list, if I *wanted* to read posts 
worded like this I'd log on to /. or find an irc channel.

arnieboy, put up or shut up. Someone doesn't like your code and said 
why. It happens. Get over it.

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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