Ubuntu is not Firefox friendly

Alan McKinnon alan at linuxholdings.co.za
Tue Mar 28 12:37:17 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 28 March 2006 06:38, Chanchao wrote:
> I actually don't like distributions that have a default that's not
> easily removed because it's also the file manager (konqueror comes
> to mind, and Mepis as a distro.)

FWIW that's precisely the reason why I use konqueror - it displays 
just about any and all info I could ever need. I often have to work 
with a local text file, a .pdf, a web page and the contents of a .tgz 
all at the same time. With konqueror I can open them all in the same 
app, one per tab, instead of in four apps. If I need a quick 'n dirty 
terminal I can get one at the bottom of the window with F9.

Long ago I stopped looking at konqueror as a browser, or a file 
manager. Everything is a file, even remote streams of data are files, 
so konqueror is the tool to navigate to where the file is and a way 
to open the file and look inside it. I don't have to run konqueror, I 
can delete it and leave the rest of KDE intact if I choose.

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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