ubuntu 5.10

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Mon Mar 27 22:22:55 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-03-27 at 13:47 -0800, peter baker wrote:
> I have  a HP Pavilion zv6000 laptop and tried use the Ubuntu linux
> 5.10 live disks on it. Neither the standard version or the 64-bit
> version of  Ubuntu linux would activate at all. The only version of
> ubuntu live cd to work is version 4.10 (Intel x86 edition).There
> didn't seem to be any problems with 4.10. Does anyone have any
> thoughts on why version 5.10 doesn't work at all when 4.10 works fine
> and see any solution to making 5.10 work. Signed Peter
What does doesn't 'work mean'? More details please... did the machine
boot as if the cd wasn't there at all? Or did the install start and
fail, if so at what point did it fail.

Maybe something on a similar laptop on this page will help:


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