Remote X?

Alan McKinnon alan at
Mon Mar 27 19:25:47 UTC 2006

On Monday 27 March 2006 03:49, Gromitigo wrote:
> Thank you for the very detailed response!
> After a couple of conversations, I think i'll just use the remote
> desktop that comes with it (i was unaware it was there when I wrote
> in).

If you just want to be able to do ad-hoc things from the workstations, 
then VNC is probably the way to go - connect, see the desktop, work 
as normal. You can always do the same thing with exporting X but it 
does tend to be more long-winded - log in, get a shell, start app 
(and remember to include the DISPLAY number on the command line...)

> It'll be a fileserver.  Old PC, won't have monitor, keyboard, etc.
> Knowthing that, do you have any suggestions?  For instance, to do
> certain things at startup?  Not sure what script gets run when you
> boot...when you log in to X, does it run you .bash file?

Ah, you have a headless server, I must have missed that on the first 
post. I've never run VNC on a headless machine myself and don't have 
hardware here to try it out. Normally, VNC copies an existing X 
display and exports it. You might have some interesting times trying 
to start an X-server on a headless machine :-)

Best advise I can give right now is to try it and see. if you need to 
go the exported X route, do you know how to do that?

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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