Re-installing GRUB / Windows

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Mon Mar 27 10:00:27 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-03-26 at 21:29 +0200, Loïc Martin wrote:
> I would advise not relying on Dapper Install CD to reinstall grub, 
> unless you want to edit manually /boot/grub/menu.lst, then run 
> grub-install /dev/yourhd, because out of the two machines with XP I 
> installed either Flight cd 4 or 5 onto, none got the Windows XP 
> partition configured by grub for booting. Hoary install cd had no pb, 
> though. I don't have the machines at hand, that's why I didn't file a 
> bug, but maybe others have had similar experiences (oh, correction : you 
> can try it, so you'll be the one filling the bug :D )

Well, I won't file any bug report..... as I have never had problems with
the installer ... I have tried all alpha version of Hoary, Breezy and
Dapper, and the install CD never ever failed to figure out my mess of
partitions, and to make GRUB triple-boot Ubuntu Stable/Ubuntu Devel /

If you have problems, you should definitely file a bug, otherwise it
might never get fixed ! :-O

Did you install install Windows on NTFS or FAT ? 
I always use FAT32 not NTFS, mostly as I gather that NTFS support is not
quite perfect just yet, so maybe this might cause troubles in your
At any rate, definitely file a bug...


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