Remote X?

Jhair Tocancipa Triana jhair.tocancipa at
Sun Mar 26 18:11:44 UTC 2006

Gromitigo  writes:

> Is there a way to view the desktop over the network like VNC?
> I'm wanting to set up a ubuntu server but it won't have a monitor,
> keyboard, etc.
> The maching I'll be using to connect from is running WinXP.

You can install the Cygwin version of the X server on your Windows XP

Then with ssh (also available in Cygwin), you can start any graphical
application installed on your remote server with:

ssh -X <login>@<machine> <X application>

My own experience is that VNC is way slower than running a Cygwin
server locally. VNC is already integrated in Dapper
(System->Preferences->Remote Desktop) though.



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