Java compatibility? (was Re: Not a bash, just the facts)

Matthew R. Dempsky mrd at
Sun Mar 26 08:44:08 UTC 2006

On Sun, Mar 26, 2006 at 09:25:43AM +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> So, you saw several compilers at a programming competition and then 
> *assume* that they must not be compatible. You don't make a strong case. 

The folks running the event made repeated efforts at expressing the 
importance that the participants correctly specify which version of Java 
they used, and there were numerous questions about which versions were 
available and how to select the JVM used by Eclipse.

Explain why they would make such a big fuss if they were all compatible.

> One of Java's selling points is compatibility.

And one of Windows' is security:

It doesn't mean anything.  It's just marketing bullshit.

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