how to setup /run telnet server

Alan McKinnon alan at
Sat Mar 25 16:13:56 UTC 2006

On Friday 24 March 2006 16:52, Craig Hagerman wrote:
> The second reason is that even with the security issues I really
> want to have a secondary way into the box. I was last here in
> August. Sometime around October I modified the sshd.config file
> (remotely) and for some reason sshd wouldn't run anymore. So the
> server was running on it's own with no way for me to access it (and
> no one here who can do anything with a headless machine in the
> basement) for several months. THAT alone is worth less security to
> me right now.

This is one of the few valid reasons to still have telnet installed 
and configured. I've locked myself out of remote boxes a time or 
three when I get the ssh config wrong. So now I often leave telnet 
configured but not running and only allowing connections from one 
specific machine. Before making changes to ssh, start telnet and kill 
it as soon as ssh is verified as correct. If I do something stupid in 
those few minutes, at least I can use telnet to get back in

Alan McKinnon
alan at linuxholdings dot co dot za
+27 82, double three seven, one nine three five

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