how to setup /run telnet server

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Fri Mar 24 18:45:23 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 23:58 +0900, Craig Hagerman wrote:

> Nope. There is no telnet or telnetd in /etc/init.d

Telnet gets run by inetd. Therefore the daemon is started only when
there is an incoming connection, it does not run permanently. 

I would suggest you follow this road:

Reconsider the whole telnet approach.
Ok, if you still want to use it:
* Check if the package telnet-ssl can help you do ssl-over-telnet.
* Read this link to understand how to configure inetd's security:
* Edit /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow to set up access rights
* Setup a firewall to set up access rights
* Search the repositories for "inetd", and install one of the available
inetd packages
* Try to connect by telnet
* Test your security setup diligently (can you access if you don't match
the firewall and /etc/hosts.* rules?)

Good luck,

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