Software install thru Synaptic from harddrive

Thomas Beckett thomas.beckett at
Fri Mar 24 12:55:03 UTC 2006

On 3/24/06, Mayank Garg <Mayank.Garg at> wrote:
> Hi Friends
> I am having slow internet connection at my home and it takes lot of time to
> install any software thru apt-get install command.
> Is there any way to install softwares by copying package files(*.deb) on
> hard  drive or from removable media like Cd,USb devise etc.
> I wanted to know this method to avoid the dependency problem which will
> arise if I install these package files thru Dpkg -i command.
> Please forgive me for my unawareness about these commands.I am using Ubuntu
> Linux for just two months and slowly reducing my dependence on windows

If you are using 5.10 (Breezy) or earlier then dpkg -i is your easiest
way, but like you said, you run into dependancy problems.
If you want to try the Dapper version (the development branch that
will be the enxt release in June) then it includes gdebi which does
exactly what you want - it installs the deb package you have and gets
any dependancies you need from the network.

See the gdebi part at

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