Custom web browser protocol to install from apt-get

albi albi at
Fri Mar 24 10:12:57 UTC 2006

On Fri, 24 Mar 2006 16:59:27 +0700
Chanchao <custom at> wrote:

> On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 09:15 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> > You will be able to double click on .deb files to install them in
> > dapper.
> Brilliant!!!  Assuming you're not running nautilus under sudo, will it
> pop up the password box (assuming the user can use sudo?)
> (How about RPMs though?  

installing rpms with rpm (or some rpm-gui etc.) is not recommended,
rpm uses another package-database than dpkg/apt-get/synaptic

i would use "alien" to convert rpms to debs if you really think you
need to install rpms

> I guess we're expecting distro's that still
> use RMPs to die out or change their errand ways, so not sure if
> anyone needs to spend time to allow direct installation from RPMs as
> well.. but it doesn't hurt to ask I guess )

as a side-note :
quite some time ago rpm was (unfortunately) chosen to be "the standard
package-format" for linux-distributions for the future, and apart from
that, i don't expect rpm to die out any time soon

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump | gpg --import

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