how to setup /run telnet server

Craig Hagerman craighagerman at
Fri Mar 24 05:00:57 UTC 2006

Stupid question. How do I get a telnet server set up correctly on
Ubuntu. I did apt-get install telnetd but when I try to log in from
another computer it just says connection refused.

Along the same vein....
How can I tell which ports are open and which are closed?
How can I tell what daemons are running and which are not? (ie telnet)
Assuming that I do want to run a telnet server, how can I make it as
safe as possible.

Note - I know about the insecurities of telnet and I know someone is
going to write back with suggestions concerning ssh. I already do run
ssh, but I have a valid reason to need to run telnet as well. Thanks


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