Ati Radeon graphics card support

pyrenaien at pyrenaien at
Thu Mar 23 20:29:13 UTC 2006


Actually, I wanted to install Ubuntu Linux on my computer. But because of
the known problem of Ati graphics cards support, the problem took at least
10 hours when I was trying to solve the problem. There exist numerous
different instructions for reinstalling fglrx drivers. None of them worked,
unfortunately. Finally I installed SuSE 10.0 OSS, and the graphics card
works fine since then (it's an Ati Radeon X800 XT). How serious the problem
really is can be seen in the numerous instructions of getting an Ati card
running, for example at Try to imagine what this
problem would mean to Windows Vista!

Please get Ubuntu running without the need to endlessly type in long strings
of code!

Thank you.

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