Ubunto Server

Chanchao custom at freenet.de
Thu Mar 23 08:14:39 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 19:43 +1200, Navi Chand wrote:

> Hey guys i have just recently got ubunto and i am trying to get familier 
> with its features, so far its awesome.But i would like some help on 
> configuring the ubunto server.If possible can i get a full detailed 
> instructions on configuring "full" ubunto server (such as web, mail, DNS, 
> FTP, ... authentication and management for UNIX and Samba users on Ubuntu 
> systems).Please.Thanks.

I think you can get that from any good general Linux book, or Linux
resources on the web. 

There's not THAT many ubuntu specific things when it comes to
configuring a web server, samba, etc.   Take it one thing at a time.  


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