ubuntu breezy/ firefox + quicktime support

Adam Lafayette atomlbomb at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 19 05:25:31 UTC 2006

I'm Running ubuntu 5.10 (breezy I believe it is).
using firefox 1.0.7.

I would like to get quicktime support to watch things
like movie trailers on the web.

I installed quicktime-utils
I did a:
sudo apt-get install quicktime-utils

it installed with no complaints.  If I got for example
to quicktime.com to try to watch a movie trailer. 
Totom popsup in firefox but does not play anything.

Is there something else I need to do?

Adam Lafayette  N1ZGG   atomlbomb at yahoo.com    http://www.bloodkeg.com       http://www.geocities.com/atomlbomb

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