Dapper: vim instead of nano as editor alternative?

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Fri Mar 17 04:50:14 UTC 2006

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006 22:49:17 +0100
Bas van Gils <basvg at cs.ru.nl> wrote:

> Us old timers 
> > get to pay the price of changing one setting and in return the OS 
> > becomes much more usable to lots of new users. 
> Exactly! Couldn't agree more. The power of linux lies in the fact that you get
> a choice. Being flexible is a good thing. Just change the $EDITOR and $VISUAL
> settings in your chell (~/.bashrc or ~/.cshrc or something similar) to the
> editor of your choise.

Or doing it "The Debian Way (tm)":

 $ sudo update-alternatives --config editor

And pick your "editor religion" of choice ;-)

Peter Garrett

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