Ubuntu on Dell/ HP Machines

David Woyciesjes woyciesjes at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 15 14:41:06 UTC 2006

Anders Karlsson wrote:

> On 3/15/06, Charles Yao <ccyao at greenleecp.com> wrote:
>>Anyone use Ubuntu on Dell Desktops? Im torn between getting mac mini and a
>>dell or HP machines. Im wondering if anyone knows which HP or Dell models
>>work with Ubuntu without any hassles.
> Yes. I have a Dell GX280 Optiplex an my desk at the moment. Also I
> have a Dell GX150. Both work well with Breezy and Dapper. On the GX280
> I have Xinerama working.
> On the GX280, it just installs and works. Dapper Flight3 worked fine,
> and so did Breezy final.
> --
> Anders Karlsson <trudheim at gmail.com>

	Dell Optiplex GX150 & GX280 also. No issues. I've also run the Hoary 
(5.04) live CD on a Dell Dimension 8250, and some older Dells without a 
hitch. Needed to resize NTFS partitions. :)

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes

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