CHM to PDF conversion tool

Jon Dixon dixon.jon at
Mon Mar 13 15:55:08 UTC 2006

Asif Lodhi wrote:
> Hi experts,
> Basically, I've some CHM (Help files in Microsoft format) files which
> are basically some manuals.  The problem is that I want to work on
> Linux and there is no CHM reader utility on Linux (this is my poor
> knowledge - may be there is that I don't know about).  So I would be
> really thankful if you guys could give me URLs to a utility/app that
> can convert CHM to PDF (that's the format I like most).  OK, CHM to
> PostScript will be alright as well.
> Any help?
> Thanks in advance,
> Asif

Hi Asif

If you have the universe repo enabled, you should be able to install
xCHM which is a Linux reader for these files.



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