Is there a good BASIC compiler for ubuntu?

harry wert hwert at
Sun Mar 12 23:06:27 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 10:41 -0800, Vram wrote:

> On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 18:46 +0100, Alexandre Franke wrote:
> <snip>
> > I just suggested python because it is well integrated within
> > the Ubuntu environment and is supposed to be Ubuntu's equivalent to
> > Microsoft Window's Visual Basic. 
> </snip>
> Python is not Ubuntu's anything...  Python is a language..
> The Ubuntu developers seem to like Python but, it is NOT theirs.
> They did not develop Python.. 
> Guido Van Rossum is the creator of Python
> Please people limit your comments to things you know....
> OR at least verify facts before you repeat them.
> Vram
> PS
> You can verify what I said at

Very bad form for this or any other list. I suspect of you apply your
own definition:

"Please people limit your comments to things you know....OR at least
verify facts before you repeat them.",

We will never hear from you again. 

Harry Wert

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