Inernet Access (was Re: Exif editor)

Robert Slade ubtu at
Sun Mar 12 19:07:47 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-03-12 at 10:16 +0000, Daniel wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to apologise for hoping on to another user e-mail problem and I 
> hope he does fix it!.
> I connect to the internet via Ethernet and its all lugged in but when I open 
> up FF it tells me page cannot be found. And I have set it as my default 
> internet etc.

Can you connect to the network? try opening a terminal window and ping
your router/modem which should have an address of something like While you have a terminal open, what does ifconfig say?

The starter guide may also help setting up, you should find it under
help, there is a section on networking. 

> "use an emulator such as wine" do you have a link for this?


This may help:


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