Dictionary Applet

Karl Hegbloom hegbloom at pdx.edu
Sun Mar 12 16:21:36 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 04:00 -0600, Kenneth P. Turvey wrote:
> I make heavy use of the dictionary applet on my desktop.  I must look up
> ten words a day.  Over the last few days I've been getting an error saying
> that the server is no online.  I checked the preferences and it looks like
> it is using dict.org.   Does anyone know what the problem is?  Should I
> change servers?  Any suggestions, I'm in St. Louis MO, USA? 

You can install a local dictd and dictionaries.  The packages are
probably in Universe.  Set the dictionary applet to use 'localhost' on
the standard port.

Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom at pdx.edu>

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