Machine Won't Boot 2.6.12 Kernels -- Remote Troubleshooting

Brian Puccio brian at
Sat Mar 11 17:20:56 UTC 2006

On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 09:56 -0500, Brian Puccio wrote:
> I have a machine which I do not have physical access to that I cannot
> get to boot a 2.6.12 kernel. I can boot any of the -386 -k7 variants in
> the 2.6.10 branch, but cannot boot any of the 2.6.12 kernels in either
> Breezy or Dapper. I cannot see at what point it stops booting.

I found the problem upon trying to reinstall linux-image-2.6.12-10-k7 on
this machine. The error is as follows:

Setting up linux-image-2.6.12-10-k7 (2.6.12-10.28) ...
rm: cannot remove `/tmp/mkinitramfs_obMtwq/bin/sh': No such file or
cpio: ./lib/*: No such file or directory
Not touching initrd symlinks since we are being reinstalled
Not updating image symbolic links since we are being updated

Thanks in advance!
                                                   brian at
                                                   GPG Key ID 0xBBD2401F
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