udev: /dev/null: permission denied (created with wrong permissions)

Sam Vilain sam at vilain.net
Sat Mar 11 00:23:33 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 23:57 +0100, Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > Hi there.  When I start the system, or run /etc/init.d/udev restart,
> > /dev/null is created with permissions 0660.  This should *never*
> > happen.
> Congratulations, your system is misconfigured.

I don't think we have sufficient evidence to back that assertion yet.
Let's not jump to conclusions, maybe there is a real problem that might
impact on user somewhere.

I read your readme, but I can't figure out what "I" got wrong (esp.
given that I haven't even touched the confiuguration).

root at burroughs:/etc/udev # grep null *
permissions.rules:KERNEL=="null",               MODE="0666"
scripts/cdsymlinks.sh:  local DEVLS="`ls -dl \"/dev/$2\" \"/dev/$2
\"[0-9]* 2>/dev/null`"

There they are, 0666.  How did they end up generating files with 0660

> > This is a pretty fresh Breezy installation.
> Then do not bother me, I do not maintain the Ubuntu udev package nor I
> am payed to read Ubuntu bugs.

Why do you not want to co-operate with people who are contributing to
the package's bug discovery and bugfix process just because they use a
different base system?  Surely they are helping and not hindering.


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