freenx + matlab
Derek Broughton
news at
Fri Mar 10 14:11:23 UTC 2006
Alain Muls wrote:
> is there a similar tool in Konqueror web browsing to the turbo-dta plugin
> available in firefox
> at work a freenx server (called 'softgps' as set in
> my /etc/hosts) is available on which I would like to connect using the
> port forwarding of ssh. At home I start putty and forward the localhost:22
> port to softgps:22 port. The nxclient is set to connect to localhost port
> 22. Running the nx client I get the following errors
> NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 10134
> NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command
> NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files
> NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 22
> NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx
> NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey
> NX> 204 Authentication failed.
Surely that doesn't really have anything to do with turbo-dta?
Anyway, as it says 3 lines up, it's trying to authenticate as "nx". So you
need to be able to do
# ssh nx at softgps
without a password. Which means you need to get your NX client's public key
into the nx user's authenticated_keys file. By default, the NoMachine
client comes with that key preconfigured, and the FreeNx server allows you
to either use the NoMachine default or set your own.
> Any ideas how to solve this? DOing a
> similar setup for browsing allows me to access the intranet at work.
> starting matlab by 'matlab', when the matlab/bin directory is in the path
> gives the command line access to matlab. Starting it up with
> '/abs/path/to/matlab/bin/matlab starts up the gui interface. What is the
> difference?
I would have thought that the difference would have to be that the directory
in the path is not actually the absolute path you've been using. If `which
matlab` (note, those are backticks) doesn't start up the gui, I'd have to
say you're not noticing some subtle difference in the paths.
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