[very far OT] truthiness

Alvin Thompson alvin-ubuntu at thompsonlogic.com
Sun Mar 5 11:31:36 UTC 2006

Michael V. De Palatis wrote:
> Actually, considering that most distributions these days have the
> command vi symlinked to vim, this is more truthiness than truth.
> Sorry, just had to get a Colbert Report plug in there :)

i think the Colbert Report implies that 'truthiness' is more synonymous 
with 'speciousness'. the implication is that conservatives leaders often 
make assertions that sound plausible on the surface but are obviously 
logically flawed given even superficial inspection. phrases like 
"compassionate conservatism" and "Die Juden sind Unsere Ungluck" come to 
mind. the further implication is that these specious arguments are 
accepted by conservative voters because the voters have been trained to 
not think about what has been said, only to blindly accept it.

in other words, the Colbert Report implies that conservatives leaders 
believe that what is said doesn't have to be true, it only has to be 
wrapped in a nice envelope of 'truthiness'.


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