[Breezy] Compact Flash card

Florence Berbain fberbain at xs4all.nl
Sat Mar 4 00:51:30 UTC 2006

Charles E "Rick" Taylor IV wrote:

> On Sat, 2006-03-04 at 00:22 +0100, Florence Berbain wrote:
>> I'm trying to read a Lexar CompactFlash card through a PCMCIA 
>> adapter. In a previous life, under RedHat, the device used to be 
>> /dev/hde1, and I was able to mount it manually. In Breezy, it doesn't 
>> show up on the Desktop, and there is no /dev/hde1 device.
> Try this and see if it helps:
> http://rickandpatty.com/jvcmini.html
Yes, it did: now the CF card remains mounted.

Thanks a lot Rick,

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