vi and perl code highlight

Michael V. De Palatis mdepalatis at
Fri Mar 3 19:40:18 UTC 2006

> I highly recommend using Emacs for editing Perl code.  It has tons more
> features than 'vim', and is more easily customized and extended.  If you
> really like he 'vi' style key-bindings, you can use 'M-x viper' or start
> it with 'emacs -l viper' and say "yes" to the question on start-up.  You
> won't know until you try it.

Typical emacs user's response :P

Seriously, both vim and emacs are just as good as the other. It's
really a matter of preference. And before you say this is a typical
vim user's response, I actually like emacs, too (I know, it's unholy
to like both).


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