dapper: openoffice held back

Loïc Martin lomartin3 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 14:39:42 UTC 2006

Philip Axer a écrit :

> Hi ,
> Doing an dist-upgrade on an up to date dapper leads to:
> Die folgenden Pakete sind zurückgehalten worden:
>  openoffice.org2 openoffice.org2-evolution openoffice.org2-gnome 
> python-uno
> Which basically means, that they are held back for some reasons.
> Has anybody noticed this behavior, and what to do to get an clean up 
> to date dapper?
> Philip
Yes. Maybe a small bug in the packaging. You can chose to install them 
manually (using Synaptic for example), which solves it. But since it's 
just going to occur once and that Dapper is still a beta, I didn't feel 
the need to fill a bug.

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