
Jason Straight jason at
Fri Mar 3 01:34:13 UTC 2006

On Thursday 02 March 2006 20:16, Patrick Siglin wrote:
> Does anyone know if ghost would work to image drive to drive? I currently
> have an 8 gig drive in my ubuntu box and decided I liked it so much I
> wanted to put it on a bigger drive.
> --
> poison at

Not on different size drives. BTW, dd is linux command line version of ghost, 
but an image copy is not what you want.

I've used rsync in the past for moving installs to other drives, after 
partitioning and formatting them right. But you have to:
1. --exclude any mountpoints to other filesystems on your source drive
2. mkdir those dirs you excluded on your dest
3. setup your bootloader for new drive so it get's installed on /dev/hdc or 

Anyone else have a better method?

| Jason Straight
| 231-627-3528
| Jabber: leejunfan at
| ICQ: 1796276 / AIM: JasonRStraight
| MSN: glock21-45cal at / Yahoo: jasonrstraight

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