Playing a DVD

Florian Diesch diesch at
Fri Jun 30 23:07:35 UTC 2006

OldZack <ulist at> wrote:

> garth at garth-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get xine
> E: Invalid operation xine

You missed the "install" parameter and the package you want is called
"xine-ui" ("apt-cache search xine" or the search function of synaptic
could help you there). So the command you want is
 apt-get install xine-ui

> Admittedly I'm new to Ubuntu so maybe I'm making some drastic
> fundamental mistake? When I try to load a DVD in Totem I'm told I need
> to load plugins but when I go to preferences as indicated in the help
> files that option isn't there!

<> should help you there.

To watch DVDs with xine-ui you need libdvdcss. If it's legal in your
country to use libdvdcss (or you don't care) just execue as root
e.g. by typing
 sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/
in a terminal window


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