[Q] website watcher for Linux?

Guido Heumann listguido at web.de
Fri Jun 30 21:14:32 UTC 2006

Ken N9VV schrieb:
> Hi, I have a favorite Windows application called WebsiteWatcher. It
> checks websites for updates. It works like a dream under Windoze and
> often alerts me to software updates or important changes on a vendor's
> website. I can't find anything similar under Linux. I thought I had seen
> a Perl module in the distant past, but can not find it now. Any ideas?
> thanks,
> ken

I've never used this myself, but perhaps you mean websec? It's perl and
in universe:

$ apt-cache show websec
Package: websec
Description: Web Secretary - Web page monitoring software
 A visual Web page monitoring software. However, it goes
 beyond the normal functionalities offered by such software. Not only
 does it detect changes based on content analysis (instead of date/time
 stamp or simple textual comparison), it will email the changed page to
 you with the new content highlighted.

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