GPL compliance

deanlinkous ulist at
Fri Jun 30 16:47:25 UTC 2006

The GPL is very easy to read and it is not confusing.

If you offer a download of the binaies then you MUST offer a download
of source. You can charge for that download up to the cost of the

If you go the 'written offer' route then (bad choice IMO)you are
required to maintain that offer for three years AND you can only charge
actual cost for providing the service.

If you simply make a copy of Ubuntu to pass on to others then
technically you need to include the written offer if you received it
via mail with a written offer.

As to ordering a source cd... from the shipit FAQ
Can You Send Me Source CDs?

We do not normally distribute source CDs and you cannot order them
through shipit. That said, in order to comply with the GPL, we are
happy to distribute source code on CD to anybody we give a binary CD.
More information is written in fine print on the back of each CD.
Source for everything on the CD is always available at or can be ordered from Canonical for them
cost of the media plus shipping. 

Seems to cover the bases to me... :D


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