Ubuntu Updates

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at optusnet.com.au
Thu Jun 29 05:59:08 UTC 2006

On Thu, 29 Jun 2006 11:57:24 +0700
Chanchao <custom at freenet.de> wrote:


> I think every month or two or so, the Dapper ISO CD's would need to be 
> updated with the currenlty released updates.  The install process for 
> Ubuntu is quite fast now, but if it involves downloading loads of 
> updates then it's not fast, or easy, or smooth anymore.
True, but "every month or two" is asking a lot.

> Otherwise it's a matter of time before someone starts a Cubuntu project, 
> for people wanting a current version of Ubuntu..

My understanding is that there will be point releases during the lifetime
of 6.06 LTS. i assume this is similar to the additional CD releases made
from time to time for Debian stable.


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