Upgrading to Edgy Eft

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at dantian.org
Wed Jun 28 20:27:15 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-06-28 at 16:03 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> You keep saying that, but there's _nothing_ in the wiki to imply just
> what
> this "merging state" entails, so I simply can't question anybody's
> desire
> to use edgy as it exists. 

I need to add one more thing, and it gives me the opportunity to add a
few pointers.

You say the wiki page says nothing about what merging state means. This
is not entirely correct. Right, no info is on the page I linked to, but
if you search for "edgy schedule" you find this:

You will find this explanation for UpstreamVersionFreeze (the July 13
"Upstream Version Freeze
We've failed to catch up with Debian recently, and there are a large
number of necessary syncs and merges; unfortunately Debian's freeze for
etch is not at a useful time for us. To ensure there is sufficient time
to discover bugs and actually work on features, two weeks and a half
weeks have been allocated for the sync and merge from Debian. (..)"

I will repeat again that edgy users should read (NOT post without an
actual need to interface with the developers for actual developing
needs) ubuntu-devel, because there they can learn what is going on. 

There they would find today this message
It explains that the MergeoMatic is now running 

"MoM is currently doing the first official run over the archive, it may
have finished by the time you read this, or it may have choked on
another corner case somewhere.
Either way, there's plenty of output to get chewing on.
E-mails/bugs aren't being sent out just yet (got to improve my Malone
driver) so merges need to be taken manually for now. Go to:
And begin working on any packages that are nominally "yours".  There's a
script there to download things for you if you want."

Does it still sound like a good idea to you to run edgy as a user
environment (i.e. not explicitly for development or similar goals)?

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