GPL compliance

ben ben at
Wed Jun 28 11:36:54 UTC 2006

On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 19:14:27 +0800
"Michael T. Richter" <ttmrichter at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-28-06 at 11:49 +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:
> > What does that have to do with GPL compliance? GPL compliance means
> > that either you ship the sources with the binaries or you make an
> > offer to provide them on request.
> My disks had a notice about downloading sources written on them
> somewhere.  (That's how I found out about source disks 1 through 5, in
> fact.)  Unfortunately I'm all packed up for a move right now, and the
> disks are at the bottom of a big box.  I hope someone else can help
> you with specifics.  But somewhere on the Shipit disks I got (or
> maybe it was the packaging?) there was a pointer to the download site.

on the back of the shipit cd's in small text it states:

"This software is released for free public use under several
licenses.... See the license text included with each program for
details. Source code for Ubuntu can be downloaded from or can be ordered from Canonical at the cost of the
media and shipping...."

ben <ben at>
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