Upgrading to Edgy Eft

Chris Neary hello at poetofcode.org
Tue Jun 27 13:42:13 UTC 2006

Hello list.

I have a question regarding upgrading to Edgy Eft, and that question is
this: Why? There have been a few posts to the list asking for help with
getting certain things (sometimes the most fundamental things) working or
behaving, yet the 'bleeding edge' release of Ubuntu is barely a month old!
Do you want to upgrade to Edgy right _now_, and if so, why?

Dapper is brand new, so how come brand new is not good enough for some

I'm not ranting, I'm just curious as to why people are upgrading
already. Surely if they're testing Edgy, they should be reporting problems
to ubuntu-dev. Is it just blind

I remember weeks up to the release date of Breezy, #ubuntu had to put in
it's topic that X was broken and not to upgrade yet - the most fundamental
part of a graphical desktop wasn't yet finished and ready for distribution,
but people still want to upgrade regardless.

Human behaviour. Baffling!

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